
Arntzen de Besche contributes to State Aid 2019

Svein Terje Tveit and Berit Solseth have published the Norwegian chapter in State aid 2019: Getting the Deal Through.

State aid is expected to become more of an issue in the years to come. The high state aid activity in relation to energy (in particular wind-power), R&D and public transport will continue, while at the same time we expect an uptake in private enforcement of state aid.

The chapter gives a practical insight into the State Aid rules to legal practitioners, business, students and anyone taking an interest in State Aid.

The chapter provides an outline of Norway’s state aid policy, and gives you short answers to questions such as:

  • What are the most significant Norwegian national schemes in place?
  • Which bodies are in charge of granting aid?
    What are the important strategic considerations and best practices for aid recipients?
  • What are the key strategic considerations for competitors to state aid recipients and where do you identify unlawful aid?
  • How are state aid procedures regulated in Norway and in the EEA?
  • What role do state aid implications concerning public undertakings, public holdings and public-private partnerships play in Norway?

You may read the Norwegian chapter here. The full title is also available by clicking here.

Getting the Deal Through is published annually and covers 80 practice areas spanning competition & regulatory, dispute resolution & litigation, tax, white collar crime, IP, corporate, commercial, banking & finance, infrastructure & transport, energy & natural resources, insurance and compliance. Across the entire series, GTDT publishes analysis on more than 150 jurisdictions. The online research platform is used by thousands of law firms, universities, regulators, and corporate counsel at leading multinational organisations as a reliable, first port of call for any legal query worldwide.

Reproduced with permission from Lexology. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through – State Aid 2019 (Published: August 2019). For further information please visit www.gettingthedealthrough.com.


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