Career development
We live by our expertise. For over 150 years, Arntzen de Besche has been one of Norway's leading law firms. If we are to continue to succeed, we depend on your skills, knowledge and ideas. That is why we make it easy for you to develop - both as a lawyer and as a human being.
We work in a structured way to develop what is common and what is unique with our employees. We adapt the competence and career development individually, so that the employees master the different roles and the cutting-edge competence our clients need today - and in the future. In parallel with this, we have regular and standardized development talks that ensure equal opportunities for all employees.
Work life balance
There is no contradiction between being a business lawyer and the opportunity to live your life to the fullest. We see it as a competative advantage that we can offer our employees flexibility and balance to take care of their interests, family and friends.
We believe that our lawyers become better advisers when the job does not conflict with the time they should spend on family, interests or taking care of their own health. We strongly believe that when you take care of what is important outside of work, you will perform better at work. Our clients will also benefit from this work life balance, because they know we will be there for them in the long run.
The AdeB academy
All our associates go through a two-year education prpgram called the AdeB academy. During these two years, they participate in an onboarding seminar and 22 compulsory courses. The purpose of the AdeB Academy is to give our associates an introduction to several key topics and skills that they will benefit from throughout their careers.
The courses cover everything from negotiation techniques and understanding of accounting to practical procedural skills. In addition to this, our associates participate in the lawyer conference at Juristenes Utdanningssenter and tailermade competence measures related to our subject areas. The most important measure, however, is the time you spend with skilled colleagues.
Core values
Teamwork describes how we work and behave towards each other. By joining forces as one firm, we can raise each other to greater heights and achieve success both commercially and in terms of professional recognition. Teamwork is a key factor in ensuring our employees remain happy in their work. For our clients, too, teamwork ensures a successful outcome.
We look after our clients’ interests with no thought for personal gain or risk. We work within the law, the Norwegian Bar Association’s Code of Conduct for Lawyers and our own ethical guidelines. We behave correctly and in a way that earns the respect of both clients and opposing parties, courts, the public administration and others. We keep our promises.
We deliver services of the highest quality from start to finish. We tailor our services to suit the individual case and the individual client’s needs, and we always work to the highest standards of professionalism. We provide advice that is cogent, understandable and presents clients with a clear picture of their options. We are easy for our clients to get hold of, respond rapidly to their requests and help keep matters moving speedily towards a successful conclusion. At Arntzen de Besche, we are quick to adopt new technologies that enhance our service delivery.
Once we have accepted an assignment, we work unwaveringly to see it through. We want our clients to feel that we are fully dedicated to their cause and will do our utmost on their behalf. We are a learning organisation that is passionate about expanding our knowledge of the law and our understanding of the business sectors in which our clients operate. We are dedicated to developing each other individually and the firm as a whole.
Social enviroment
We spend a lot of our time at work, and we rely entirely on a good social environment to thrive. Fundamental to this well-being is the support and care we have – and receive – from our colleagues, and that we learn from each other.
We make it possible for those who work with us to get to know each other well, even outside of jobs. Among other things, we have an active sports committee that arranges regular trainings and individual events, and we have a social committee that arranges quizzes, summer parties, Christmas parties, company trips and much more fun. Through the committees and by participating in the social events, you have great influence and can help shape your own working environment.