Thea Tørstad

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Areas of expertise

Senior LawyerTrondheim

Thea Tørstad

Tørstad advises clients on, and helps to resolve disputes relating to a range of commercial contracts. She works primarily with various forms of construction and fabrication contracts and has experience of advising through all phases of a project – from early involvement in the establishment of the project’s structure, during the bidding and project follow-up phases, in the guarantee period and in connection with dispute resolution.

Tørstad also has extensive experience of pursuing disputes relating to a wide range of legal issues through the courts – particularly disputes relating to construction and contract law. In addition, she follows up construction law disputes relating to estates in bankruptcy/companies under liquidation and a variety of insurance law issues relating to building and construction projects.

With broad experience from a variety of commercial contract issues, Tørstad is quickly able to understand the challenges her clients are facing and provide clear and practical advice that effectively resolves the situations in which they find themselves.


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