
Health industry

Legislation in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry is extensive, complex and in a constant state of flux. Our team has considerable experience in the sector and collaborates closely with recognised internal specialists on related areas such as competition law, public procurements, marketing law, intellectual property law, public administration law, corporate law and contract law.

Advice from our lawyers

We provide legal and strategic advice, as well as assistance in connection with transactions and disputes. Our clients range from start-up companies to large, well-established national and international players. We provide assistance in all branches of the life science sector and give advice in connection with the following:

  • public procurements
  • licencing, research and development agreements
  • Norwegian public sector legal issues
  • contract law
  • health technology / ICT platforms
  • transactions, capital raising, mergers, demergers and acquisitions
  • patents
  • intellectual property law / IPR
  • disputes in relation to procurements, patents and public authorities

A number of legal issues arise when a company wants to launch a pharmaceutical product or piece of medical equipment onto the market. Our clients require advice in connection with, for example, clinical testing, labelling, pricing, marketing, import/export, manufacturing and wholesaling. Biotechnology also involves a whole host of particular challenges.

We bring clarity to complex matters, for instance by engaging in productive dialogue with public agencies, such as the Norwegian Medicines Agency, regarding licensing at different levels, supervision and reporting.

Core competence on public procurement and competition law

Enterprises wishing to sell their products in Norway do so through public tender processes. We have a sizeable team of lawyers who, in addition to in-depth industry knowledge, possess special expertise on public procurement and competition law. Typically, issues in relation to competition law arise in connection with pricing models, parallel export or distribution contracts.

Protection of rights and IP strategy

Positioning your company in the rights jungle requires a conscious IP strategy, aimed at ensuring the necessary confidentiality, agreements with collaborating partners, and a clear and correct allocation of rights. In addition, patents, trademarks and designs must be registered. We possess leading expertise in the field of IP strategy and rights management, and will help you optimise the value of your company’s intangible assets.

What you can expect from us

We will provide you with a skilled team that has extensive experience of the sector. We have a good overview of the relevant regulations both nationally and globally, and in addition possess solid commercial and technical insight into the companies, products and market in which they operate.

We quickly gain an overview and put together the most optimum team for the situation at hand.


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