
Arntzen de Besche have assisted Pandion Energy AS in the merger with Pandion Energy Norge AS (previously ONE-Dyas Norge AS)

We are proud to have acted as legal advisers to Pandion Energy AS in this merger. The merger was approved by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy on 14 October 2022, and was completed 1 November 2022.

In March 2022, Pandion Energy AS acquired the shares of ONE-Dyas Norge AS from ONE-Dyas Holding B. V. and in June ONE-Dyas Norge AS became a wholly owned subsidiary of Pandion Energy AS.

The transaction was approved by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy on the condition that the two companies shall be merged. The merger was completed on 1 November 2022 with Pandion Energy AS as the surviving entity.

Our core team consisted of Per Dagslet, Anette Walaker Hansen, Rune T. Andersen and Karl Erik Navestad.


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